Objections / Game Stoppage
Right to Use Footballers / Identification / Objections / Game Stoppage
- Each academy authorized user with in the time period set and as described in the tournament rules and regulations, should register online the list of players individually by age category through our official competition registrations web page. The online registration must include the full name, date of birth and the footballer's jersey number. Players to be used according to the tournament rules in more than one team of the same academy have to be registered online in all teams rosters. However they will only pay registration fee once.
- Player’s T’ shirt number is required during the process of online players’ registration. According to the playing regulations of the tournament for the 11 vs 11 age group categories more than one player cannot have the same t’shirt number playing in the same age and level category team. This does not imply to the rest of the age groups however still they must have numbers at the back.
- The online team roster per different age group should be printed and carried by the group leader or coach in every tournament game. The use of football players not officially registered under the online registration process is prohibited.
- All coaches or academy leaders should carry with them during the tournament games prove of identity and age such as original birth certificates with attached certified photo, original passports or identities or certified true copies of any of the above certificates. Official football federation identities as well as official health certificates with player’s photo can be used as proof of birth date & identification.
- It is strictly forbidden to move players from EAGLES to LIONS throughout the course and in any stage of the competition. Players registered as Lions can be moved however and used in Eagles groups as long as they are in the right age limit.
- It is forbidden to move players from one academy to another name academy as well as from A to B and C teams of the same academy in cases of participation involving more than one group in an age category.
- The tournament can examine team requests and allow the use of players in more than one age group outside the above previous rules as an exemption only for goalkeepers. However this should be requested and approved prior to the start of the tournament.
- It is not prohibited by other academies and soccer schools to use football players enrolled in CYPRUS F.A. registered teams, as long as those players are from the beginning of the tournament registered in the roster of the academy with which they will participate. However, parallel use of these players by more than one team or academy is prohibited in our tournament matches.
- All children are required to wear protective shin guards during the tournament games.
- Younger players may also participate in an older age division with their academy provided that they are officially enrolled in at least one of the team rosters of his academy age groups.
- Unlimited number of girls can join in the boys’ teams / girls can be up to 1 year over aged.
- Unlimited number of substitutions in all ages.
- In 11 VS 11 age groups substituted players cannot go back in the game. Substitutes in these 11 vs 11 age groups can be made at 3 different stages of stopping the game per team opponent for the purpose of avoiding unnecessary and deliberate delays in the game.
- Unlimited numbers of substitutes are allowed for all of the rest age groups (9 vs 9, 7 vs 7 & 5 vs 5), with substitute players allowed to return back in the game. Substitution of players is done at the coaches’ side line.
- Red or yellow cards are only valid for the remainder of the game and are not transferable to any of the next tournament games. But they will be taken into account seriously in relation to nominating and awarding fair play prizes to teams per different age category.
- The organizers together with the field marshals or referees can at any time during the tournament ask for players’ identification and birth dates confirmation.
- Team leaders can request and demand identification and birth dates control of the opponent team players given that their demand is being notified to the referee and the field marshal prior to the start and before the end of the games. In the event of objection this should also be notified and noted down by the referee on the game’s sheet.
- Possible objections will be dealt with by the special organizers' objections committee, which will be obliged to deal with the objections and decide where possible before the start of the next match of the contending team or at the latest and certainly before the start of the next stage of the event. The objection committee is composed of representatives of the organizers and the secretarial staff of the tournament.
- In the event of a breach of the basic rules of the competition, and in particular the age and identity of the players, the team found to have committed the breach shall be penalized with 0 points in the particular under objection game. The organizers retain the right to penalize with 0 points or even disqualify the team from the tournament in the event that the same team in objection is found guilty in committing the same or any other breach of the rules in any of the previous games even if there was no official objection previously notified by any of the opponent teams.
- The responsibility and decision for the interruption or complete stoppage of games in dispute, rests with the organizers after careful consideration and examination of the referee and field manager comments noted down on the match sheet. Depending on the case, the organizers may decide to continue the game from the time of its interruption or even to repeat it. The organizers retain the right to substitute the referees of the game if it’s considered necessary for the smooth completion of games.
- Referees may request replacement or additional security where and when they do not feel the required security. At the same time they may suggest to stop games in dispute but the final decision rests with the organizers for taking the final decision.
Teams departing abandoning the event.
- A team abandoning the competition or simply does not show up in a particular match for any unjustified reason, then that team is immediately excluded from the competition and all its previous matches in the same phase of the tournament are awarded 3-0 in favor of the opponent.